From Pieces of 8 / The Flower Of Humanity
1995 / 2000
A very silly track but one I like. A simple breakbeat and percussion, and a random sample playing the melody. There is no bassline sample in the first mix, thus the title.
I redid this for The Flower Of Humanity, and really fleshed it out into a dance track, adding new parts, samples and beats. This incarnation uses only one sample from the original track, the bell/xylo sound. The organ sample at the start makes it sound very stadium worthy, in an Orbital sort of way. This might also be the first time I ever used any 303 type sounds in a track. Sad but true. Also I was beginning to use wave editing software to do post production on some of this stuff.
“Hanging a Horse” is another one based on a dream. I had a dream where, yes, you guessed it, a horse was being suspended by a rope from its forelegs. Having said that, no horses were harmed during the writing of this track.
No Sleep Til Bassline
The original version from the Pieces of 8 collection.
Hanging A Horse By Its Two Front Legs
The redone version from The Flower Of Humanity.
written, produced and arranged by EtherReal.